
Unleashing the full potential of International Students and Staff

For universities

International students are a great asset to thriving universities

In a global and dynamic world with higher mobility, the number of international students increases every year.

Foreign students are very motivated and committed to their personal and professional development in an international context. They come to The Netherlands excited to start their studies.

Adapting to a new country and having success with academic tasks, are processes with different and well-defined phases.

For this reason, we created a series of workshops designed to be a progressive learning process and to support international students in their life abroad.

The selected topics for these workshops dive from a general approach to the international students´ challenges to specific solutions for daily difficulties in their academic life. The workshops are designed to complement each other, for optimal results.

After attending these workshops, students and staff will have a set of tools that allow them to face the challenges when living abroad. It will also allow them to have an excellent performance within a high standard education system, while they are taking good care of themselves.


Examples of topics:


Words from event organizers

Series of workshops for international students
I have collaborated with Margarita at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in The Netherlands, on the topic of “Coping with studying abroad”.

Margarita developed a lecture, workshops, and follow-up sessions for our international MSc and Ph.D. participants, who have reportedly struggled not only with studying in a foreign environment but also with being away from their families and friends.

Based on the evaluation of some 250 participants over the past two years, Margarita’s input into viewing and understanding the aspects of studying abroad and overcoming the shortcomings and stress associated with it, help almost all of them to be more effective in their studies, assessments, happier in their life outside the classrooms. I wholeheartedly recommend Margarita’s expertise in expat coaching and personal development.
Yness Slokar
Senior Lecturer in Water Treatment / Technology & UWS Programme / Coordinator at IHE Delft / Institute for Water Education
Workshop for students of health professions and coaches
Working with Margarita Lourido is always a pleasure; she is a great professional, passionate about intercultural relationships in this world without limits. Margarita manages to take you to discover your magic with a new vision, accompanying you to reach your brilliance outside your country. AICM Peru Chapter
Daphnée Izurieta, AICM Coach Mentor
Coordinator Life and Family Committee

Accomplishing your goals is fun when you use your natural talent to do it Switch to achievement

For companies

In a world with high mobility of professionals, multicultural teams are essential to increase the adaptability and diversity within organizations

Switch Intercultural works for the development and well-being of international professionals and diverse teams.

We believe that internationals are highly performance professionals and talented people with a great commitment, who give their best.

We want to see the international professionals getting the best out of their experience abroad and to create a positive impact at work.

We contribute to institutions that cherish their multicultural teams.

The Switch Intercultural team of experts delivers tailor-made workshops. We offer solutions that work for your team and suit your specific needs. For us is it important to understand your challenges, to listen to your needs to be able to customize content for your team.

During our training, we create a safe environment to learn and practice new mindsets and to create a path of transformation easy to pursue.

We want our participants to enjoy this experience offering simple tools and practical work.

Great success of the company has been achieved

Examples of topics:


Words from event organizers

2 days long workshop assignment about communication skills for Dutch multinational
(...) Margarita made this tailormade program her own, went beyond our expectations of preparing, structuring, and communicating with the client, as well as understanding the strategic goal of the session and working accordingly. With a very positive evaluation from the team and a satisfied client, I would definitely recommend Margarita as a skilled trainer (...)
Jeanette Wijnhoven
Partner - Leertouwer Van Dijck & U
Workshop "How to build trust in the Netherlands"
She (Margarita) shared insights on how to navigate cultural differences in business. And gave us creative ways to think about the role that culture plays in business communication, sales strategies, and more. One of the things I admire most about Margarita is how she leads with both head and heart. She’s both extremely knowledgeable and authentically passionate when it comes to helping internationals succeed.
Beth Farris
Business Clarity Mentor

Words from participants of workshops

Participant of "How to make high impact presentations"
"I attended the "How to make high impact presentations" workshop of Switch! Intercultural, this was very clear, with very practical tips, and with a good balance between theory and practice. I participated in this workshop a few days before doing a couple of very important presentations within my department, and I managed to create a very good impression, one that still lasts. As a result of this, my boss proposed my participation in a managerial development program."
Air France – KLM, Amsterdam
Jorge Osorio
Manager of KLM Social technologies team
Participant of “Hacking decision making”
"Oh, I´m going to talk about this workshop to my colleagues at the next staff meeting. I just loved it and it made me question myself things that I don't usually dare to ask." (...)
Oxana Sytnik
Project Officer - AquaTT, Dublin
Participants of “Dealing with workload stress for High Achievers”
"Margarita approaches a heavy topic with professionalism, fun, and practical strategies to re-think stress in our lives." (...)
Keep in Touch Education, Ireland
Maria Gallo
Founder of KITE
"This was a very useful workshop, with a lot of useful tools, techniques, and great metaphors. (...) Margarita is a captivating and natural presenter. Thank you for this great and useful workshop."
PsyQ- Amsterdam
Samar Al Zayer
Counseling and Clinical Psychologist


If you require an inspirational speaker for intercultural development topics at your event, please contact me.


Workshops and presentations for international professionals

Participants of “Dealing with workload stress for High Achievers”
We've had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Margarita Lourido for various in-person workshops and webinars for NL alumni-Netherlands, the association for international students and alumni residing in the Netherlands. Margarita has been inspiring many of our members to reflect on their current career paths, revisit their goals and evaluate their meaning of success in relation to the many demands we impose on ourselves. With her caring nature and deep understanding of human psychology, she always leads us to learn much through the process of reflection and revisiting our assumptions to lead a more fulfilling and balanced life. Personally, I always learn from Margarita in viewing my current reality in positive and innovative ways. Thank you Margarita for your gift of unleashing greatness for a better world!
NL alumni-Netherlands
Sandra Rincón
Founder and President

Workshops team

Margarita Lourido foto Workshops team
Margarita Lourido

Founder of Switch Intercultural. Success psychologist for Internationals

Francia Agterhof 3
Francia Agterhof

Talent coach for teams

Bestrice Blondiau
Béatrice Blondiau

Vitality Expert in body-mind Methodology

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